Monday, September 05, 2005

Genetic Horoscopes

Progress in the field of genetics is just astounding. Scientists sequenced the chimpanzee genome recently and I believe its only a matter of time(and resources) before genome maps become available for most of the species. The possiblity of access to personalized medicine is extremely exciting. I wonder how soon we will be able to sequence individual human genomes fast (like in a few hours). Then we could compare our genetic maps (or what I call genetic horoscopes) with that of potential partners (specifically those we want to have children with) and assess risks of genetic diseases or predisposition to diseases/illnesses that we may pass on to our children. There are, of course, other factors which influence this but it is atleast a first cut in increasing the probablity of having children free of genetic diseases. One of my cousin died of cystic fibrosis, which is a genetic disease, around 13 years back. I remember at that time there was no treatment for CF and if you had it, you were going to die soon. But now, scientists have identified the gene that causes this and have ways to prolong your lifespan though I don't think the disease can be gotten rid of completely just yet.


Anonymous said...

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Roshan Rammohan said...

There is no gene for the human spirit.
- from the movie Gattaca

A must watch, if you are thinking in these terms. Im guessing you haven't else you would have mentioned it in your blog.

Sahar said...

I have watched the movie (and i liked it) but it did slip my mind when I was writing this post. The premise of the movie does seem plausible.