Thursday, July 21, 2005

Expressing yourself to yourself

I wonder why someone is considered loony, wacky or crazy if they smile to themselves or even talk to themselves. There are times when I have felt like smiling (when I am just happy for no reason or when I remember something funny or happy) but social conditioning makes me look around to make sure no one's watching me. However, when someone is frowning to themselves, we think that they are either just grumpy people or they just had a bad day. I think it's kind of sad. I'd rather have people smile to themselves than frown to themselves. Of course, its an entirely different post to discuss why we associate smiling to positive emotions which has more to do with biology than social conditioning.
p.s: In case you are wondering ( i am sure you are), the smile belongs to my 7 year old niece.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Kingdom of heaven & After the sunset

Kingdom of heaven - Fictional tale based on real people during the crusades. First half of the movie is kinda slow and you wonder where the story is going but it keeps getting better. Orlando Bloom was pretty good. The war sequences were awesome(kind_of_LOTRish). The movie ends with a chilling 'And after a 1000 years, peace still remains elusive in the region'. Oh I forgot to mention, Sybilla's eye make-up was excellent. :-)

After the sunset - I don't know if the movie seemed desi because we watched it after a dosa party(hehe). Pierce Brosnan looked old. Salma Hayek in minimum clothing. Most of the time you are wondering 'what the ...'. Overall, a stupid movie .