Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Spencer plaza

As any Madrasi worth his/her salt will tell you, Spencer plaza (SP) is one of the earliest malls in Madras and, thanks to its location, plays an important role among all of Chennai's malls. After graduating with an undergraduate degree 5 years back (its been that long ?? ) I started working in a firm which is a stone's throw away from SP. As anyone can imagine, a large part of the week was spent walking inside SP, browsing through new music releases in Music World, buying softie icecream, looking for deals in Westside, looking wistfully inside the Levi's showroom and wondering when I could afford their jeans (which i found out later didnt really fit me very well) and of course just looking (whatever else u want to call it) at the hordes of other young people there.
So last year, when I visited Chennai, I chose SP for a rendezvous with another friend who was visiting from the UK. Both of us had fond memories associated with SP and it seemed apt that we should meet there. I reached the place a good 15 minutes before our meeting time and so went inside Music World. A few seconds later, the power supply failed and it was pitch dark inside. So they closed the store and I spent the next half an hour dripping in sweat waiting for my friend to show up........ so much for my excitement!

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